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The film is awful.But it's awfully funny at the same time!The producers didn't want it to be funny,but it most certainly is.There are scenes in this that have to bee seen to be believed!Spoiler alert!Best bits:a)The elephant stampede,b)The tiger attack,c)The scene in which Evelyn Kraft runs through the forest,d)The scene in which the all-powerful monster gets some oranges thrown right into his face...There are more,quite possibly even funnier moments,but I don't want to give them away for those who haven't see it yet.This is the epitome of so-bad-it's-good cinema.It's a King Kong-Mighty Joe Young-Tarzan-Godzilla RIP-OFF!Seriously,this film is ridiculously bad.That's exactly what makes it worth seeing.It is the best COMEDY off all time.The effects are bad,the acting is bad,the "script" is bad...Please,do yourself a favor and go buy it.You won't get bored watching it(If you like these kind of movies).Hell,it's even WORSE than "Plan 9 from outer space"!
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