in example sentence
Now that education you would receive, and thanks to the British acoustician Adrian James for those
More example sentences with word simulations
show that largely or wholly renewable grids can deliver highly reliable power when they're forecasted, integrated and diversified by both type and location.
It's almost in the same way that a telescope or microscope recalibrates your eyesight; I think computer
can recalibrate your instinct across vast scales of both space and time.
And I'm not just talking here about statistics and computer
Professor Bob Wang and his team have done computer
of what happens when fuzzy estimates combine, even in light traffic, when cars just share GPS data, and we've moved this research out of the computer simulation and into robot test beds that have the actual sensors that are in cars now on these robots: stereo cameras, GPS, and the two-dimensional laser range finders that are common in backup systems.
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