in example sentence
This is an ad for MTN, which is a South African multinational active in about 25 countries, and when they came into Nigeria — Nigeria is the big dog in Africa.
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Unresolved boundary issues, squabbles over oil revenues, the ongoing conflict in Darfur, escalating tribal violence in the
and generally weak state capacity across all of Sudan complete a very depressing picture of the state of affairs in Africa's largest country.
And he ended up in
Tel Aviv and did not have the good luck to be picked up by a [unclear] and roamed the streets and became a prominent gang member.
Instead, they just make me green with envy that my colleague from IUCN was able to go on this journey to the
of Madagascar seamounts to actually take photographs and to see these wondrous creatures of the deep.
You can see it in college graduation patterns, in job projections, in our marriage statistics, you can see it in the Icelandic elections, which you'll hear about later, and you can see it on
Korean surveys on son preference, that something amazing and unprecedented is happening with women.
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