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Sleeping in example sentence

First, when they are on their flight to New York, the pilot says that everyone on board will have to go to Boston (after much time consumed circling over the big city, due to weather conditions), they lose their luggage when they arrive at the Boston airport (and try to find it in a panic, while hurrying to catch a train), they hustle by cab over to one station to board a train, but Gwen has to go to the women's room, but can't find it due to hurrying to make the train (the one they board has no one on but a cleaning lady, and they miss the one they were looking for, which was next to the empty one), then they hustle to another station to get on board one and try to get something to eat on a car with almost no food, they arrive later on at a transit station in New York and discover that all of the transportation services are on strike, so they walk in the rain to their hotel, and Gwen breaks the heel on her shoe while walking before they arrive, only to discover that their room was given away to someone else after the 10 pm deadline, then they walk with a man who helps them find another room (only to rip them off by robbing them at gunpoint, taking George's wallet), then they try to go to the police station to report the guy who scammed them, then go the armory by the police, only to get their route foiled by some liquor store robbers, they get dumped in the park and mugged by a stranger at 4 am while sleeping under a tree (George's watch was taken while he was sleeping), then they find Cracker Jack on a bench for breakfast (that a dog steals almost immediately, which George breaks a tooth on, causing him to whistle on his spoken S's), they get chased by a cop on horseback for an assumed problem with a child in the park, and more funny situations to come.
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