in example sentence
CO: So, tornadoes don't happen in Massachusetts, and I was
standing in the front yard when one came over the hill.
More example sentences with word cleverly
The artist had very
suggested people and clothes and wagons and all sorts of things, and my brain had taken the suggestion.
These are the anthers of a lily,
done so that when the unsuspecting insect lands on it, the anther flips up and whops it on the back with a great load of pollen that it then goes to another plant with.
Peer production is this completely different way of doing things, and you have a big quality range, and so eBay, cleverly, the first peer production, Peer, Inc. company, I'd say, they figured out early on, we need to have ratings and commentaries and all that yucky side stuff.
I mean, if a bunch of experts come to me and say, "We are heavy-duty neurobiologists and we've done a study of you, Searle, and we're convinced you are not conscious, you are a very
constructed robot," I don't think, "Well, maybe these guys are right, you know?"
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