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Right...well Ali (based on a "true" Story) is a bit of a Fat Phobic (just like almost in one in America who's never felt the pain of being fat)..thinking it all about your attitude..and when she loses her sports scholarship..she decides to enter a student film competition for the prize money for school.....and her idea is to prove being unhappy and fat is all out the fat person's negative attitude....if only people like her little brother(overweight) had a positive attitude their lives would be better..thats why she's popular (not because she's a pretty blonde jock)..the commercials leading up to this promised a true look/insight into one area of life where bigotry and prejudice are allowed to reign supreme... i "thought" finally people see something about the cost of our obsession with weight...how thou bashing of gay and others may be illegal...but fat bashing is More than OK....But the promise of the commercials was NEVER delivered...even although Ali don's the "Fat suit" for at least a month...at the end of it..she's still very hateful over her mom's past weight (its treated like a very dirty little secret)..never asking why people over eat...or even some the different causes people gain weight, her partner on the film has a hard attitude towards the world in general and never stops calling the one "fat" girl and meets and befriends.."her Fat friend"...after a month spent on this Ali changes only a little..after lying to everyone very little is said after ward...you keep waiting/hoping for her "a Ha! Moment" when finally the light turns on...but we all stay in the dark...along w/her...even at the end when her "boyfriend" admit being a jock if she were to quote "get fat"...he would dump her..because well he's a jock basically...she just shrugs smiles...but then again Jenny Craig was the sponsor...guess that should have told me something....at the end she more or less right and don't let the world decide who you are....or I'm not Shallow...just selectively deep;(
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