in example sentence
There was one point where he was being attacked by vacume
where he said "This really sucks!" my sentiments exactly.
More example sentences with word cleaners
Because cities are the vacuum
and the magnets that have sucked up creative people, creating ideas, innovation, wealth and so on.
And the director listed the orphanage's most urgent needs as an industrial size washing machine and dryer, four vacuum cleaners, two computers, a video projector, a copy machine, winter shoes and a dentist's drill.
More than 700 of these boats, which are fishermen boats repurposed with oil absorbent in white and oil containment in orange, were used, but they only collected three percent of the oil on the surface, and the health of the
were very deeply affected.
Thanks to the universal penetration of running water and electricity in the developed world and the widespread adoption of washing machines, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves and microwaves, the amount of our lives that we forfeit to housework has fallen from 60 hours a week to fewer than 15 hours a week.
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