in example sentence
Peralta edited it together well with not-your-usual talking head shots of his
colleagues as they are today.
More example sentences with word erstwhile
However, even as declarations of undying love are uttered, dark clouds loom in the form of Turner's newspaper boss and
lover Sullivan, and Connery's shock disclosure that he has a wife and child tucked away in his native Cornish village.
Prolific novelist and
doctor Crichton, in his first directorial effort, exercises firm control in bringing his own novel to the screen, seeming to know exactly what he wants to say & how to say it.
Nor does the
theme of artistic exploration.
In the wake of the Brexit decision, Cameron’s hapless successor, Theresa May, has been caught between the demands of Brexiteers like her
foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, for “control of our borders” and the fears of the Remainers concerning the economic and political consequences of leaving.
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