in example sentence
The best by far is an
from a mental hospital who only speaks through the voices of others.
More example sentences with word escapee
Of course there are exceptions, and they come close to being called pedophiles! Sorry RGV, but it's not credible that a sane and accomplished sexagenarian would throw away a comfortable family life and become a joke to his peers ... all for an 18-yr old that doesn't have a practical thought in her head and that behaves like an unstable
from a mental institution.
The brother Rhett behaves like an
from an institution.
Dan Ackroyd in his prime stars as Johgn Burns, a mental asylum
who poses as his own shrink to travel out to La La Land and host a popular radio talk show while the regular host (Charle Grodin in his snarling prime) takes a vacation.
In this film Li plays Tsui, an
from a super soldier program who seeks to regain the humanity that the program had taken away from him.
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