in example sentence
Premise of the movie was good, and it could have been a really adequate horror movie, but it failed by not
a clear story line.
More example sentences with word delivering
It was a lot more work upfront, but resulted in the team
more, people growing faster, getting promoted faster, and those people becoming engineering leaders faster than their peers.
And I realize, I think, the way I was feeling that way, is on a really deep gut level, I was feeling a lot of shame and embarrassed, frankly, that, in some respects, I had failed at
what I'm genetically engineered to do.
You know, in the 18th century in the U.K., the greatest preacher, greatest religious preacher, was a man called John Wesley, who went up and down this country
sermons, advising people how they could live.
And actually, it's the model that we expect to work for
anesthesia in these environments.
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