in example sentence
Will it be born into a world of abundance or
More example sentences with word scarcity
I moved there primarily to be part of a learning environment that validated the way that I knew that kids learned, and that really wanted to investigate what was possible when you are willing to let go of some of the paradigms of the past, of information
when my grandmother was in school and when my father was in school and even when I was in school, and to a moment when we have information surplus.
And if you look at some of the organisms that have evolved to live in deserts, there are some amazing examples of adaptations to water
A greater distribution of the means of production, environmentally sound supply chains, and a newly relevant DIY maker culture can hope to transcend artificial
The real trouble comes when pregnant women are, in a sense, unreliable narrators, when fetuses are led to expect a world of
and are born instead into a world of plenty.
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