in example sentence
And I've worked really hard on improving how cattle are treated at the
More example sentences with word slaughter
More Medals of Honor were given for the indiscriminate
of women and children than for any battle in World War One, World War Two, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.
of millions in the trenches and in the death camps have caused people to ask, "Where is God in all this?
What was different this time is the way that the terrorists used modern information communications technologies to locate additional victims and
Here is an example from an op-ed on Thanksgiving, in the Boston Globe a couple of years ago, where the writer wrote, "The Indian life was a difficult one, but there were no employment problems, community harmony was strong, substance abuse unknown, crime nearly non-existent, what warfare there was between tribes was largely ritualistic and seldom resulted in indiscriminate or wholesale slaughter."
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