in example sentence
Doctors can make more on
tests sometimes, and also they no longer even know what's right or wrong.
More example sentences with word ordering
At the time my patient posed this question to me, breast density was an obscure topic in the radiology literature, and very few women having mammograms, or the physicians
them, knew about this.
But I'd like to make the case to you in the next 17 minutes that when we shortcut the physical exam, when we lean towards
tests instead of talking to and examining the patient, we not only overlook simple diagnoses that can be diagnosed at a treatable, early stage, but we're losing much more than that.
Once upon a time, not long ago, I was sitting in a restaurant with my friend,
And we went in, and right off the bat, our conversation really wasn't taking flight, but he was
a lot of food.
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