in example sentence
found that over a three-year period Educate Girls was able to bring back 92 percent of all out-of-school girls back into school.
More example sentences with word evaluator
According to the charity
Givewell, the Against Malaria Foundation saves a child’s life with every $3,500 it spends, and one study in Kenya even found that as little as $1,000 spent on bed-net distribution can prevent a child’s death.
Dylan Matthews, who writes about effective altruism for Vox, drew on estimates by the charity
GiveWell to suggest that if Bloomberg had donated his $1.8 billion to the Against Malaria Foundation to enable it to purchase and distribute more bed nets, he could have saved more than 400,000 lives.
GiveWell, widely regarded as the world’s most rigorous charity evaluator, recently indicated that the Against Malaria Foundation, one of its top-rated charities, which distributes bed nets in low-income countries where malaria is a major killer of children, saves a life for around €3,500.
For example, the charity
GiveWell estimates that the Malaria Consortium, one of its top charities working in malaria-prone low-income countries, can provide four months of preventive medicine to children 3-59 months old for less than $7 per child.
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