in example sentence
I hope that we, as people of faith, can truly live up to the promise of
impact that we have been called to do as change agents in society.
More example sentences with word social
So we wanted to change the way that students approach technology, to create a more convivial and
space that was more engaging, more accessible, and also to increase the ability for teachers to use these spaces for technology-based instruction.
We need to reverse-engineer our present artistic tastes and preferences and explain how they came to be engraved in our minds by the actions of both our prehistoric, largely pleistocene environments, where we became fully human, but also by the
situations in which we evolved.
So what we have learned from
scientists and economists like Elinor Ostrom, who are studying the phenomenon of management of the commons on a local scale, is that there are certain prerequisites that you can put into place that enable you to manage and access open space for the good of one and all.
We have only been discussing and consumed with high-level preoccupations over troop levels, drawdown timelines, surges and sting operations, when we should be examining the details of where the
fabric has been most torn, where the community has improvised and survived and shown acts of resilience and amazing courage just to keep life going.
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