in example sentence
So I
up with my good friend Ricardo Cabello, also known as Mr. doob, who's a much better programmer than I am, and he made this amazing Flash drawing tool.
More example sentences with word teamed
So, to explore this, I created a piece of art, an experience, that asked people to share a memory, and I
up with some data scientists to figure out how to take an emotion that's so highly subjective and convert it into something mathematically precise.
I had the good fortune to go to Disney Animation and study over 900 scientists, artists, storytellers, computer scientists as they
up in constantly changing configurations to create amazing outcomes like "Frozen."
So I
up with a gentleman called James Leahy, a civil engineer and a recent master's graduate of the Sustainable Development program at DIT, and together we drafted the simplified model network, which I could then go ahead and visualize.
So we
up with Continuum, a local product design firm here in Boston to make the high-end version, the developed world version, that we'll probably sell primarily in the U.S. and Europe, but to higher-income buyers.
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