in example sentence
, he put most of the important government buildings in the cockpit.
More example sentences with word worryingly
And even more worryingly, and this is a Home Office statistic, 70 percent of prostitutes have spent some time in care.
And worryingly, there's no consensus about what it is.
Things start out
as we're introduced to two characters, both irritating in different ways.
I have lost count of the number of people to whom I have recommended the 1983 S.F.novel "Millenium",written by John Varley.Nineteen of the twenty chapters are named after classic time travel stories and the name of each is relevant to the context,which,on the face of it might seem like a contrivance,but if it is a contrivance it's one that works very well.It's not a quick read,neither is it a book to be taken on a plane as the plot revolves around air disasters in which there are no survivors(a surprising amount - worryingly).
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