in example sentence
In a certain sense, it's almost as if every atom out there were becoming both a sensor and an
More example sentences with word actuator
And if we can actually provide feedback, sensory signals that go back from this robotic, mechanical, computational
that is now under the control of the brain, back to the brain, how the brain deals with that, of receiving messages from an artificial piece of machinery.
And we make a mathematical model of those relationships and program them into a tablet computer so that when you take the stylus and go and touch the screen, that voice-coil
in the white bracket plays vibrations to give you the illusion that you're touching the real surface, just like if you touched, dragged back and forth, on the real canvas.
In soft robots, you just build your
from scratch most of the time, but you shape your flexible material to the form that responds to a certain input.
And so we started with a single motor, a single linear actuator, and then we had to design a custom circuit board to control them.
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