in example sentence
We don't want something to happen that they are forced to
without having been prepared to do so.
More example sentences with word migrate
These are all a few of the millions of people who were products of the single decision to
Then I found out, post exposure, that this plastic bag if I put it into a filthy puddle or a stream filled with coliforms and all sorts of disgusting stuff, that that filthy water will
through the wall of the bag by osmosis and end up inside it as pure, potable drinking water.
We must be peculiarly self-obsessed to imagine that we have the power to drive tens of millions of people on the other side of the world to
and suffer in such terrible ways.
And of course it meant that I was a foreigner in both countries, and that of course made it pretty easy for me to
as well, in good family tradition, if you like.
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