in example sentence
Now just about that time, the practice of surgery evolved from big to small, from wide open
to keyhole procedures, tiny
More example sentences with word incisions
In particular, nobody wants an operation with tools like these through large
that cause a lot of pain, that cause a lot of time out of work or out of school, that leave a big scar.
The first time I saw that I was watching a type of surgery called laparoscopic surgery And for those of you who are unfamiliar, laparoscopic surgery, instead of the large open incision you might be used to with surgery, a laparoscopic surgery is where the surgeon creates these three or more small
in the patient.
But there is a trade-off, because these
are created with a long, pointed device called a trocar.
In 2003, the FDA actually came out and said that trocar
might be the most dangerous step in minimally invasive surgery.
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