in example sentence
And then a jumpmaster comes, and he's an experienced NCO in parachute
More example sentences with word operations
We have only been discussing and consumed with high-level preoccupations over troop levels, drawdown timelines, surges and sting operations, when we should be examining the details of where the social fabric has been most torn, where the community has improvised and survived and shown acts of resilience and amazing courage just to keep life going.
Mega agricultural
often are responsible for poisoning our waterways and our land, and it produces this incredibly unhealthy product that costs us billions in healthcare and lost productivity.
And of course, it wasn't actually a working mine anymore, because, though Ray was a miner there, the mine had closed and had been reopened as a kind of tourist attraction, because, of course, it can't compete on the scale of
which are happening in South America, Australia, wherever.
It means large-scale hydraulic fracking for gas and massive strip-mining
for coal, the likes of which we haven't yet seen.
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