in example sentence
shall we fly--
escape?""Let us first withdraw from this house; afterward we shall see."
More example sentences with word whither
And yet, until a year or two ago, some political pundits were asking, “Who lost Turkey?” or “Whither Turkey?” – the assumption being that Turkey had shifted its foreign-policy axis away from the West.
As the Republican Party’s first president, Abraham Lincoln, put it in his “House Divided” speech, “If we could first know where we are, and
we are tending, we could then better judge what to do and how to do it.”
When Levin opened the door, on his return from the doctor's
Kitty had sent him, he saw the invalid at the moment when at Kitty's command Mary Nikolavna and the waiter were putting a clean shirt on him.
On Sunday, for example, one could not get him out of the drawing-room,
Madame Homais had called him to fetch the children, who were falling asleep in the arm-chairs, and dragging down with their backs calico chair-covers that were too large.
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