in example sentence
He was decently and
dressed, and so was Job, who stood bolt upright behind him, staring at Mr. Pickwick with a visage of iron.
More example sentences with word cleanly
Six and a half years later, a hundred and eighty researchers, they have some amazing developments in the lab, and I will show you three of those today, such that we can stop burning up our planet and instead, we can generate all the energy we need right where we are, cleanly, safely, and cheaply.
Being able to do that means that I can generate energy cleanly, efficiently and cheaply right where I am.
I think it's actually been shortchanged, considering it can solve all our energy problems
for the next couple of billions of years.
It says poems can bring people together temporarily, which I think is true, and it sticks in my head not just because it rhymes but for how it rhymes,
and simply on the two and four, "say" and "way," with anticipatory hints on the one and three, "answer" and "quarters," as if the poem itself were coming together.
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