in example sentence
But in talking about destruction, it's important to keep in mind that the Amazon is the
landscape of all.
More example sentences with word mightiest
So finally, to break the deadlock, the Philistines send their
warrior down into the valley floor, and he calls out and he says to the Israelites, "Send your
warrior down, and we'll have this out, just the two of us."
Secondly, the Bible story makes special note of how slowly Goliath moves, another odd thing to say when you're describing the
warrior known to man at that point.
Since the time of Homer, ancient stories told of fierce warriors dwelling beyond the Mediterranean world, striking fear into the
empires of antiquity.
Watch this film if you want to see: neon-coloured food, children in masks and dressed in sacks charging around a forest set to a dodgy 1990-theme, awful make up, worse acting, even worse dialogue, the funniest yokels ever (including Sheriff Freak - 'nuff said) and the
weapon ever seen in any film ever.
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