in example sentence
Don Quixote added it up, found that it came to sixty-three
, and told the farmer to pay it down immediately, if he did not want to die for it.
More example sentences with word reals
have it, unfortunately, and a point of information, being argumentative in a law library is the exact right place to do that.
This movie claims to be based upon
things, (a lycantrop that lived at the end of XIX century, and maybe due to this reason it is not as much exaggerated as much other terror films that are usually made.
Brazil has quietly dropped its decade-long commitment to floating its currency, and has moved to a de facto semi-fixed regime, with the exchange rate allowed to move only within a narrow band slightly above two
to the US dollar.
If the court approves the deal, the settlement would put billions of
into the pockets of savers.
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