in example sentence
This year, however, the British electorate must navigate more than the ordinary amount of election-time
More example sentences with word dissimulation
There is no doubt that Iran – with its long history of secrecy and
– deserves the intense hostility and distrust that its nuclear program continues to engender.
While it is impossible to know to what extent that colossal blunder, with all its hubris and dissimulation, contributed to today’s turmoil, we know that it played a part.
For far too long, Rajapaska’s government has been evading accountability with an endless stream of diversionary maneuvers (usually involving committees of inquiry intended to lead nowhere, and duly complying), denial of physical access, outright dissimulation, and relentless verbal intimidation of anyone daring to question it.
What makes things politically difficult for Obama is the widespread perception that Iran is hell-bent on actually acquiring a physical nuclear arsenal; that all else is dissimulation; and that negotiations can at best buy time.
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