in example sentence
It must be that
are somehow tainted.
More example sentences with word blacks
In it, he offered suggestions such as: "Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks," "Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods" and "Do not act the Good Samaritan to
in distress."
Of course, no one likes being offended, and I certainly don't like hearing controversial speakers argue that feminism has become a war against men or that
have lower IQs than whites.
If you don't know it, while 20 percent of
and Hispanics who begin with a major in science and engineering will actually graduate in science and engineering, only 32 percent of whites who begin with majors in those areas actually succeed and graduate in those areas, and only 42 percent of Asian-Americans.
And then we can bring empirical evidence to bear, can't we, and say, well how can you consider all
tainted when St. Augustine was black and Thomas Sowell is black.
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