in example sentence
After all, the switch to a defined-contribution system, with
justified pensions, guarantees the pension system’s long-term sustainability.
More example sentences with word actuarially
But there are many more promises to fulfill, including further dismantling of subsidies, trimming the government wage bill at the federal and provincial levels, bringing inflation down to single-digit levels, and making the pension system
sound and fairer to younger people.
Individuals who want to retire as early as 62 can still do so with an
fair reduction in their benefits.
Individuals are entitled to benefits at age 67 based on their lifetime payroll tax payments, with the option to take
reduced benefits as early as age 62 or to wait until age 72 with an actuarial increase.
Actuarially, future taxes earmarked for paying pensions swamp future taxes earmarked for paying debt by a significant multiple, although many governments have been trying to adjust pensions downward gradually, as Europe did during the financial crisis, and Mexico and Brazil have done under duress more recently.
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