in example sentence
(Applause ends) Okay, you should be asking yourself, why doesn't the water fall out of the glass?
More example sentences with word applause
But thank you very much for having me! (Applause)
ends) (Music) (Music ends) (Applause) It sure used to be a lot easier to be from Iceland, because until a couple of years ago, people knew hardly anything about us, and I could basically come out here and say only good things about us.
And he even put out a book called "Rosey Grier's Needlepoint for Men." (Laughter) (Applause) It's a great cover.
Once you've figured this out, it is tempting to keep writing the same poem, or keep telling the same story, over and over, once you've figured out that it will gain you
ends) And my final time was 14 hours and 39 minutes.
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